Á lager
Barracuda Silver Rum 38% 35 cl Pet
3.699 kr
Á lager
Barracuda Silver Rum 38% 35 cl Pet
3.699 kr
Barracuda Silver Rum has a rich aroma with a clean and clear rum character. Fruity taste with hints of arrack, grass and vanilla
In the Nordics, Barracuda Silver Rum arrives in tank to be mixed and bottled.
Barracuda Silver Rum is good to good to drink as is, but is most commonly used in rum-based cocktails.
nice to know
For almost 100 years, Barracuda has been one of the most popular rum varieties in Sweden. In the islands of the West Indies, many people drink the indigenous high-percentage rum varieties unmixed, along with a glass of water to cool the lips, tongue and palate. Often people meet in simple "room shops" to talk, discuss and enjoy the liquid pride of the West Indies. The label of Barracuda Silver Rum wants to reproduce the classic image of the Caribbean with its historical pirate romance and the voyages of discovery of the time. Hence details such as map, compass rose, crown and barracuda
RZ Specification Groups